Sunday, October 10, 2010

Persian kitten graphite pencil drawing - fine art giclee print

for a detail view, please click on the image
Here is a graphite pencil drawing of a persian kitten. The print is 12"x16" and will be available in a open edition series. I will post the information once I obtain the giclee prints from the printer.

For legal advise on pet custody, please contact Yanez & Associates

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Giclee Prints English Bulldog graphite pencil drawings

The two English Bulldog graphite pencil drawing will be available as an "open edition" giclee series. The prints measure 12" x 16". More breeds will become available in the up coming weeks.

What is Giclée?

Giclée (pronounced "zhee-clay") is a coined term for the process of creating fine art prints from a digital source by means of a ink-jet printer.

The word "giclée" is resulting from the French language word "le gicleur" meaning "nozzle", or specifically "gicler" meaning "to squirt, spurt, or spray".

The goal of that name was to differentiate from known industrial "Iris proofs" from the type of fine art prints artists were creating on those same types of printers.

The name first referred to fine art prints produced on Iris printers in a procedure invented in the early 1990s but has since come to mean any high quality ink-jet print and is often used in galleries, museums and print shops to signify such prints.

English Bulldog pencil graphite drawing
English Bulldog pencil graphite drawing

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mr sterling graphite pencil drawing

pencil graphite drawing
There is a story behind this pencil drawing...

Ladies, never leave your husband home while you leave to the County fair with your friends. My wife decided to go to the Los Angeles County Fair with here employee. Yes, they invited me as the third wheel; however, I did not wish to walk and walk and walk on those fairgrounds. It is worse than being at Disneyland.

Anyhow, I decided to pop open a bottle of my favorite wine, Sterling Cabernet Sauvingnon Vintner's Collection.
sterling wine
Well, let just say Mr Sterling (drawing name) is a result of my wine encounter. To add insult to injury, my wife gets home and asked me, "what kind of cat is Mr. Sterling". I had no choice but to burst into laughter.

Cat graphite pencil drawing

cat pencil graphite drawing
This drawing is for one of my Canadian buddies that follows me on my ustream broadcast. This Canadian is very funny, sweet and cool, enough about the cat, the person is also ok.

free pencil drawing lessons broadcasted live

The USTREAM screen is used when I am broadcasting live from

When I am not broadcasting a list of current short movie clips are playing. Both 3D and 2D art is played.

I will try my best to embed the short videos recorded from the live broadcast on this blog.

click here to see me live on
my channel... 12:00 - 6:00 PM PST